Course content:
- What is Hypnosis?
- History of hypnosis
- Hypnosis In India
- Legal Framework/ Requirements for Practicing Hypnotherapy in India
- Hypnosis and Mind
- Laws Of Suggestibility
- Pre-induction InterviewUnder
- standing and Performing Inductions
- Stages/Depths of Hypnosis
- Abnormal Reactions / Handling Abreactions
- Hypnosis Vocabulary
- Rules of the Mind
- Tests for Depth of hypnosis
- Self-Hypnosis Suggestions
- Rapid inductions
- Instant inductions
- Hypnotic phenomenon – Hand stuck, Eyes shut, Rigid hand, Amnesia, Hallucinations Etc.Hypnosis for ultra fast healing
Spinning technique
Grey roomThese techniques will instantly put you on a path where you can help others and yourself .
At the end of 2 days you would be able to hypnotize anyone in a clinical setting or otherwise ( a bar , a park or a family gathering) ,know how to work with underlying problems and treat the root cause of problems by giving hypnotic suggestions.About the trainer :
Saket is a certified clinical hypnotherapist, master trainer. Past life regression therapist, life between life therapist, ultra depth hypnosis , NLP practitioner.
Believes in being updated in the field he himself keeps taking classes from masters around the world and incorporates those in his teachings.
Saket has authored 2 books on Hypnosis.
1. Rapid Hypnosis: Hypnosis on fast forward
2. Conversational Hypnosis in action: Influence on the go
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